Обо мне
Love wrote a book.
Memories froze in time,
Sights i've seen, you take a look.
U may not believe,
but i have my faith.
Devil may decieve,
but that ain't my fate.
If you take one look,
you will see.
These pictures I took,
this is the real me.
I may seem to be far off,
but i'm just misunderstood,
I have always faught,
all i wanted to do was good.
I want to show my love,
to my god, my ....
I will one day fly to his kingdom,
to be his lost, but found ....
This is who I am.
I dont want to change.
My life has just began,
I no longer live in shame.
I don't need money.
I don't want a diamond ring.
My days will become sunny,
with the joy my ... brings.
You have your own opinion,
but this is my way of life.
This is just my be...ing,
Please, don't make me hate my nights.
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2014-12-27 16:28:12
2013-11-05 05:18:17
Привет красотка, познакомимся? 007 9182951087
2013-05-20 18:54:35
You both look super!~ I'm moving from London to Boston this Sept. It'd be cool to make friends with you both. If you wish to try so...ing new with me, maybe contact me at albertwang2008@hotmail.com (email or MSN)?
I think we all wish to relax and have some romantic fun. Love~
2013-05-14 11:35:38
Great pics. Who is that with you? Sister or friend?
2012-06-19 19:28:54
can we play? tonyengle33@yahoo.com or message me here if you can?
2012-01-16 12:49:01
que linda eres eres magnifica besos
agregame -
2011-11-12 22:45:48
Ты безумно сексуальна! Вызываешь дикое желание овладеть тобой!
2011-11-07 18:39:17
can i have both of you, i can please you all night n day
2011-11-07 15:44:20
What's going on. Hit me up sometime
2011-11-06 17:34:35
Hello, if U want invite me for friendship and sex, send please an invitation massage in ICQ 575147703 , i`ll wait ))) ok ))))
2011-11-04 16:37:51
хорошие фотки +++!!!
2011-11-04 09:31:08
I Love ur Pussy....wanna lick & suck it baby....