
09.07.20 00:45
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looking girlfriends for second life virtual game ... my creative url https://myspace.com/yadu759 my skype: omcarhari

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maharatha 57 лет
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
  • С девушкой
  • С парой Ж+Ж
Желаемый возраст
от 19 до 59 лет
Цели знакомства
  • Дружба и общение
  • Любовь и отношения
  • Брак, создание семьи
  • Секс на один-два раза
  • Ищу постоянного партнера
  • Виртуальный секс
  • Обмен фото и видео
Семейное положение
Предпочитаю не говорить
Материальное положение
Предпочитаю не говорить
Денежный доход
Предпочитаю не говорить
Место для встреч
Предпочитаю не говорить
Свой автомобиль
Предпочитаю не говорить
  • English
  • Русский
just playing in second life (as shadow of master's / yadu759 https://secondlife.com/my/account/?lang=en-US ... see all you on virtual area ... ;) ...

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  • 2016-12-24 08:45:07


  • 2016-12-17 04:12:00

    Ojas - (. Skt life ... energy) - the concept in Ayurveda and yoga. The highest form of human body energy, the amount of which depends on the spiritual, intellectual and social status of the per.... It is believed that Ojas stimulates the development of intellectual abilities.

    The Charaka Samhita states that Ojas spread from the heart throughout the body 10 large ... vessels, without ojasa impossible the existence of living beings.

    Rea...s for reducing Ojas: excessive exercise, fasting, anxiety, rough, poor diet and limited, the wind and the sun, fear, grief, insomnia, excessive consumption of mucus, ..., semen and other secretions, a...g and change of sea...s, infections.

    Enhances Ojas: sweet taste, bathing, gems and jewelry, milk, butter, ghee. In the context of Ojas doshas - kapha substance hairline and destroyed excess Pitta.

  • 2016-12-17 04:11:36

    about "California Proposition 60, Condoms in PornographicFilms2016"
    from an esoteric point of view - there is no fundamental difference between the use of condoms and not using. The bottom line is that
    in both cases, it is wasted Ojas (vital thin):

  • 2016-12-16 00:36:49

    nahren tak trahasia! ya huyeu s vas people! tolko odjas shoi rashoduyete v pustuyu ... v itoge prezhdevremennaya starost i hronicheskaya venera v nagradu za trudy ... ;) ...

  • 2016-12-14 04:31:58

    in attempt of my desire to change perverted world by the way anti-sexual revolution ... my appreciations to all people who still doubt in their trustful preferences

  • 2016-12-14 02:54:02


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