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dambamboom 51 лет
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  • 2024-06-04 17:02:39

    You should come see our videos only vip

  • 2024-06-04 16:41:58

    Hi handsome you look hot I would like some of that 😛🥰

  • 2024-02-14 08:29:06

    Regular sex partner omg I have to go test myself for any STD I mean you gay , you fuck all this dirty whores on here you disgusting

  • 2024-02-13 15:45:26

    And you jay keep telling stop thinking I’m fucking other women , well that’s hard to believe here you are showing your body with other women, then you wonder I don’t trust you because all you ever do jay is lie even when you get caught, and that bitch your friend she’s nothing but trash but I guess that’s what Jay likes trash , I was to good for you and you can’t handle a real woman like me , it takes a real men to make me happy not a little boy like you who is on every dating site, and hooks up with anything, for ... what a loser I’m glad I woke up to myself and I’m moving the fuck on , I’m not dating someone who I know nothing about? Who is gay fuck no I like my men 100% straight none of this ... up your ass 🤬 I just had a thought of you bend over yuk but they say Greeks like it up the ass please lose my number and don’t come around here anymore thanks

  • 2024-02-13 15:34:08

    Interested in
    Friendship and chat
    Love and relationships
    Marriage and family
    One-night stands
    Regular sex partner
    Virtual sex
    Photo and video Marriage and family that’s news to me ? I would to say to Mellyn hope you enjoy your time with him and you properly knew about me and you didn’t care because women like you can’t just go out there find single men , the 2 of you belong together have great life !! I’m a Lady and I don’t fight for trash , but trash seems to find itself he found you didn’t he that’s trash.. it

  • 2024-02-13 15:18:13

    ProfileDetailed profile
    I am looking for a
    Couple M+M
    Couple F+F That’s your profile jay I didn’t know you gay ? Look too much has happened between you and me there is no trust definitely no love I don’t feel the way I use to about you , so I think is best you stay at your mums and leave me alone I want a men for me not a men who Is every woman, I can see you still friends with that girl the one you fucked but I don’t care anymore because there is nothing between us anymore I don’t love you anymore and that’s the truth yesterday we had sex was great but that won’t happen again, I want men to respect me and love me the way I deserve not a men who is chatting and fucking everyone on here ? Well that’s what this site is about so I guess I wasn’t enough for you , that’s ok hope you happy you already moved most of your things out you don’t need to come here again I don’t ever want to see you or hear from you again ok please do that for me thanks

  • 2023-01-05 23:18:15

    So you been on here all morning glad you busy you been here since 6/1/2023, 9:38:34 am what talking to your young little bitch ? And what the fuck is tagged ?? I know you read my messages then play dumb or blame me for the ... you do behind my back what you really think I’m going to trust you ?? When you stay up all night chatting and wasting money on ... I’m telling you now you better give me half of the bond I’m not going to be paying all the bills on my own again ok you grown ass men and is time to wake up get job unless this bitches here are paying you ??? Now I know why you don’t mention me anywhere because you still single but not me ? Let me tell you so...ing what’s good for you is good for me to so don’t complain when I don’t fuck you anymore because all of this is making me hate you and I’m disgusted at your actions you continue

  • 2022-09-20 15:38:07

    I’m deleting myself from this I’m a lady not a slut by the looks of it your preference is sluts whores who can give you infection what you think this bitches are safe ? Wake up they sit on every cock and suck every cock and if you fucken then sluts do not touch me please I don’t want to catch nothing from you thanks keep doing what you doing because is who you are and you never going to stop have fun with the sluts

  • 2022-09-12 02:48:17

    So you want to start a family want to get married and looking for virtual sex ? And you also looking for a permanent partner! Who the fuck I’m I ?? I promised you I wasn’t going to spy on you ok but I got message from here from this guy and who do I see you ! And your 29!year old little slut it was very painful when we split up but I’m so fucken stupid that I have feelings for you I’m just going to go fuck someone else then we done you can keep fucking that little whore you got no money but you got money to pay for VIP here I really trusted you and is not fair I don’t deserve this you treat other bitches better then me and you have virtual sex also do you look at other women and they look at your private parts fuck where is the loyalty but is ok you keep been loyal to that little slut and I thought you didn’t like younger girls well she looks pretty young to me please don’t fucken touch me again because when you say our sex is great and the best all you do is lie

  • 2022-09-12 02:35:03


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