
07.03.23 00:05
1 20 из 100
I am King Frederic, I live in Brussels in Belgium, pornography has changed in recent years, most models are over 30 and for me they are too old to do pornography, I prefer women who are really between 18 and 25 years old. I like women who are really white

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Frederic Descamps 51 лет
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
  • С девушкой
Желаемый возраст
от 18 до 25 лет
Цели знакомства
  • Дружба и общение
Семейное положение
Не женат / Не замужем
Материальное положение
Предпочитаю не говорить
Денежный доход
Предпочитаю не говорить
Место для встреч
Предпочитаю не говорить
Свой автомобиль
  • English
  • Français
I am King Frederic, I live in Brussels in Belgium, pornography has changed in recent years, most models are over 30 and for me they are too old to do pornography, I prefer women who are really between 18 and 25 years old. I like women who are really white (pale) but there aren't many because white people don't want to do pornography. I am very attracted to women who are extremely beautiful and I need to see their faces. I am very demanding when it comes to beauty, I want almost perfect women when it comes to beauty. I'm frustrated. I am a very special per..., I am different from other humans, I know that beauty should not be given too much importance but I am as I am, it is my per...ality, a cat is a cat. I am a king who must rule with absolute power until the end of time. Have a good day.

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  • 2023-01-15 02:52:47

    I am King Frederic, I live in Brussels in Belgium, pornography has changed in recent years, most models are over 30 and for me they are too old to do pornography, I prefer women who are really between 18 and 25 years old. I like women who are really white (pale) but there aren't many because white people don't want to do pornography. I am very attracted to women who are extremely beautiful and I need to see their faces. I am very demanding when it comes to beauty, I want almost perfect women when it comes to beauty. I'm frustrated. I am a very special per..., I am different from other humans, I know that beauty should not be given too much importance but I am as I am, it is my per...ality, a cat is a cat. I am a king who must rule with absolute power until the end of time. Have a good day.

Секс Король Meendo

Правит уже 00:46:48

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