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starrslutCD Автопортрет

Starr 69 лет


Ваши любимые позы в сексе?
Enjoy receiving anal sex in several different positions, including legs drawn up to shoulders, reverse cowgirl, doggiestyle, bent over at waist and standing
Самый необычный сексуальный опыт?
I've had sex with many women as a man, I've had sex with a non-TG male while presenting as a male only once. I've had sex with many men while presenting as a M2F/TG crossdresser including male/male and husband/wife couples. Even once got drunk and got ganged by a group of other CD/TG's Somewhere in there has to be a "most unusual."
Ваша самая большая сексуальная фантазия?
lots of them. . . . ask me, maybe we'll surprise each other.
Чего не хватает в реальных отношениях?
I am sexually promiscuous, and enjoy life that way. Occasionally, I wish I had a good friend with whom I could discuss issues in history, philosophy, and current events.
Ваши любимые книги, фильмы, музыка?
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Matrix trilogy, Men in Black trilogy, Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe mysteries, Agatha Christie mysteries, most anything by William Faulkner, history books about politics/wars/economics of 20th century, English history, Fictionmania and Literotica stories about transgenders
В каких странах вы были? Где хотите побывать?
I've been to Vietnam, Mexico, Japan, China, Thailand, Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, Brazil, Argentina, England, France, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany. Would like to visit India, Peru and Scandanavia. Interested in Egypt and the middle east except the dangers of terrorists and civil unrest are bothersome.
Как проводите свое свободное время, как любите отдыхать?
Watch TV, work out at gym, ride bicycle, read books, play computer games, email on internet
Какие качества вы цените в мужчинах и женщинах?
Honesty, courage, intellectual curiosity, sexual appetite.
Какие у вас хобби, чем увлекаетесь?
physical fitness, hiking, woodworking, political activism
Самое большое разочарование и самая большая радость в жизни?
Too deep a question for this forum.

Секс Король Meendo

unalou 45

Правит уже 01:12:19

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