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Сделаю миньет, можно взаимный,Здесь лимит. Пишите на Alexis0186@internet.ru
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Тут есть реальные? Можно просто пообщаться с парами или с женщиной, на любую тему
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Бывает лимит)) если что пишите на почта - bruz76@yandex.ru

jessd Автопортрет

Jessica 34 лет


Ваши любимые позы в сексе?
I don't know about the best. It is OK but doesn't allow good trusting. I like it when a guy can really thrust or I can ride. With this position you kind of grind and push yourself up and down. Also you and your partner have to be the same height if you really want a good face to face contact.
Самый необычный сексуальный опыт?
It started off with a guy I had interest in for several years. He was a bartender in a local pub that my friends and I hung out at on the weekends. I never had the courage to approach him, so my friend did behind my back. We ended up leaving the bar together. To cut to the chase, we eneded up becoming intimate. We started off with standard foreplay, and then he stopped as if I was doing something wrong. He explained to me that he had a unique fetish. It was a disiplinary fetish and not s & m. He liked to become half erect and then forced to sit in time out until he became fully erect. During the time between the half and full erection, he did finger paintings, and liked to show them to me, as if he was trying to get the attention of his mother. Now these finger paintings were painted with his cock. He then forced me to tell him to clean up like a good little boy. After he was all cleaned up, he asked me like a child if it was snack time yet. He made me make him pb & j with the crusts c
Ваша самая большая сексуальная фантазия?
A football team of guys all dirty and bathing together and then they start getting it on with each other. I come in all shocked at first and then I join in and then maybe we get down to some WS to finish!
Чего не хватает в реальных отношениях?
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Ваши любимые книги, фильмы, музыка?
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В каких странах вы были? Где хотите побывать?
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Как проводите свое свободное время, как любите отдыхать?
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Какие качества вы цените в мужчинах и женщинах?
Although men and women will never completely understand each other, it is important to give it a try. Knowing what women look for in men is a daily concern for many men. Some spend a life time gathering data on this subject. Stop wasting time searching because the answers are closer than you think.

Read more: How to Know What Women Look For in Men | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2310288_know-what-women-look-men.html#ixzz1luKOOP62
Какие у вас хобби, чем увлекаетесь?
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Самое большое разочарование и самая большая радость в жизни?
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Секс Король Meendo

sveta4a 28

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