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doublepassion Автопортрет

doublepassion 46 лет


Ваши любимые позы в сексе?
Double penetration with both guys kissing her, lying in bed, on a sofa or standing.
Самый необычный сексуальный опыт?
Probably threesome, but I want it to be the usual and not unusual.
Ваша самая большая сексуальная фантазия?
Being in three, I and another male friend her regular partners. Starting by courting her, a lot of foreplay and kissing. Then move to different positions and solutions, in a comfortable place with the right light. Then making both love to her. When she is totally satisfied, we can both cum serving our juice to her waiting mouth. And then she keeps stroking, kissing and caressing us both to make the end even more delicious.
Чего не хватает в реальных отношениях?
I am single.
Ваши любимые книги, фильмы, музыка?
Too many to be mentioned.
В каких странах вы были? Где хотите побывать?
I lived in the UK, in Australia and Spain. I currently live in Italy. I am content where I am now, but I always like to embrace the possibility to discover a new culture.
Как проводите свое свободное время, как любите отдыхать?
I do sports, cycling, tennis, swimming, sometimes motorcycle. I play music, guitar, keyboard and sing. I also like doing DIY, cooking, walking, animals and spend time in the nature.
Какие качества вы цените в мужчинах и женщинах?
Respect, care, honesty, sincerity. Being clear and able to compromise our differences and find a solution for everything together.
Какие у вас хобби, чем увлекаетесь?
I do sports, cycling, tennis, swimming, sometimes motorcycle. I play music, guitar, keyboard and sing. I also like doing DIY, cooking, walking, animals and spend time in the nature.
Самое большое разочарование и самая большая радость в жизни?
Don't look at past regrets, learn from my mistakes and keep on doing the things that give me joy, learning to be better day by day.

Секс Король Meendo

Послушный куколд в поисках Хозяйки.

Правит уже 01:09:13

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