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Трансдевушка, обожаю ласки груди, жесткий секс и приятные ощущения в попке.

dawkpac20 Автопортрет

brad 46 лет


Ваши любимые позы в сексе?
I enjoy mostly all positions and like to change it up throughout
Самый необычный сексуальный опыт?
I got caught in the back seat of my car fucking my girlfriend in a dark parking lot when a cop knocked on the window.
Ваша самая большая сексуальная фантазия?
I'd love to sit a woman down on the side of the bed after I remove her shirt and pants and mine as well. I would kiss her from head to toe and run my hands down her chest and stomach while I move closer to her thighs. I would kiss and lick her all around her inner thighs and over her underwear until she is begging me to rip them off. I would stand up and pull my briefs off and put my duck in her mouth so it's soaking wet and to turn her on even more. Then I would go back down on her with her legs spread and over my shoulders. I would tell her to tell me what to do until dhe comes. Then I would lay her back down and rub my dick over her wet pussy and slide it in slowly while she is still riding her orgasm out. Then i would put it back in her mouth and turn her over on her hands and knees while I fuck her from behind from the side of the bed. And when I'm ready to explode I'd ask her where she wants it and give it to her.
Чего не хватает в реальных отношениях?
Ваши любимые книги, фильмы, музыка?
I like almost all music depending on my mood. From MJ to Tupac, Paul Simon to Metallica, Grateful Dead to Stevie Wonder, John Mayer to oldies Motown.
I love A few good men, godfathers, Pixar movies, its a wonderful life...so many...
В каких странах вы были? Где хотите побывать?
I've been to Turks and Caicos, Bermuda and would love to see Europe and Australia.
Как проводите свое свободное время, как любите отдыхать?
I like to workout, hang with friends and family, go to concerts, sporting events, anything with the right people.
Какие качества вы цените в мужчинах и женщинах?
Being real to whoever you are. I hate fake people or people who change whom they are in different situations. I like honesty and confidence and decent overall kindness and generosity. I like naturally caring people and people who make the best of any situation.
Какие у вас хобби, чем увлекаетесь?
I love to write. I play guitar. I love being creative. Fishing, camping, traveling...
Самое большое разочарование и самая большая радость в жизни?
The greatest disappointment was breaking my ankle my senior year in college playing lacrosse on the first day of the season. Greatest joy is being from an amazing family with 4 brothers and 2 sisters and all being best friends.

Секс Король Meendo

ceed578 42

Правит уже 00:49:40

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