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только жесткий секс на 1-2 раза) предпочитаю МЖМ, МЖММ!!! julia.otsos@mail.ru

ChubbyGirlLover Автопортрет

Joshua 43 лет


Ваши любимые позы в сексе?
doggy style,69,reverse cowgirl,reverse cowboy.
Самый необычный сексуальный опыт?
I've really never had any unusual sexual experiences yet that seems to be to unusual.Only thing i can think of is i went to a gay bar and this older guy around 60, asked me if i needed a ride home so i said yes, but i wanted to suck his dick so bad so we went to his house first and had gay sex before he brought me home.That was my 1st experience also of being with a man.But not my last.
Ваша самая большая сексуальная фантазия?
I would enjoy being humped real good by a bbw or chubby women with a big strap-on.Another would be to have sex with Porn stars,Alexis Texas,Rachel Starr and Charley Chase.I would also enjoy having sex with many mature women around the ages 40-65. Another fantasy would be to have sex with a group of hot men.
Чего не хватает в реальных отношениях?
Не указано
Ваши любимые книги, фильмы, музыка?
I Live And Breathe Music Here Is A Lot Of My Favorite Bands.
Most Are In Order.
Metallica, Pantera, Down, Flatline, Corrosion Of Conformity, Black Sabbath, Fear Factory, Hatebreed, Shadows Fall, Madball, Lamb Of God, Chimaira, Atreyu, Disturbed, Demon Hunter, Throwdown, Sworn Enemy, Prong,Heaven Shall Burn, Kataklysm Over Kill, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Godsmack, System Of A Down, Alice In Chains, Korn, Rage Against The Machine, Tool, Alice Cooper, Slayer, Megadeth, All That Remains, August Burns Red, Ill Nino, Diecast, Unearth, Parkway Drive, The Ghost Inside, Sylosis, Darkest Hour, Soulfly, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Bullet For My Valentine, Coheed And Cambria, Kittie, Arch Enemy, Testament, ZZ Top, Motley Crue, Van Halen.

Some Of MyFavorite Movies: The Green Mile,Saving Private Ryan,Terminator 2 Judgment Day,The Silence Of The Lambs,No Country For Old Men,The Town,House Of 1,000 Corpses,The Watchmen,Pineapple Express,A Bronx Tale,Inception,Memento,Oldboy,Kill Bill,Taxi Driver
В каких странах вы были? Где хотите побывать?
I've been to Canada A few times and would like to visit,France,Australia,Bahamas,Germany,United Kingdom and I'm sure many more of the zillion countries out their.
Как проводите свое свободное время, как любите отдыхать?
Listen to lots of music,draw,watch Breaking Bad,Dexter,The Walking Dead,Sons Of Anarchy,Ghost Hunters,Finding Bigfoot,Duck Dynasty and a million more cool shows when there on.Go hiking,camping or i like to visit the art museum whenever i can or go to the zoo.
Какие качества вы цените в мужчинах и женщинах?
Good personality and sense of humor,loving,giving,respectful,attractiveness,enjoys sex.
Какие у вас хобби, чем увлекаетесь?
Самое большое разочарование и самая большая радость в жизни?
Greatest joy i'm not sure about that right now,Biggest disappointment by far would be, being kicked out of my apartment by the wife and being served divorce papers without any reason why or having any communication with her since.

Секс Король Meendo

Правит уже 02:26:32

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