SamL19 Personal photos NOT for people who are; slightly weird/shy/desperate
NOT for people who are; slightly weird/shy/desperate
2013-10-15 15:49:00773 Теги : who, not, people, slightly, weirdshydesperate
2019-05-05 10:13:14
2016-07-27 10:55:47
thank you
2016-02-21 01:42:38
you are charming in this dress
i wish that u ll visit Egypt ,,, i ll do my best to make you feel happy and glad ,, u ll enjoy swimming ,, snorkeling ,, visiting mountains ,, real good sun ,, bbq beside the sea and in the mountains ,, wish u ll accept my invitation to visit here in Dahab ,,
we can chat on skype : ahmedrwanda1
kk -
2015-11-15 17:39:36
lovely and beautiful
2015-02-09 17:17:20
I'm from Europe. And I in Albany now. What about meeting with me?)
2014-05-15 23:37:08
hola preciosa!
2014-05-11 03:51:05
2014-04-08 12:07:10
hellooooo my skype kamar.kazar
2014-03-31 16:07:37
Hello sweet
2014-03-05 17:07:39
sexy girl, add me on skype, I'll be your slave! sardoserio
2014-02-16 14:51:33
Миленькая девочка!!! Залюбил бы до полусмерти!!!
2014-02-14 23:35:08
add me in skype sabinho82
2014-02-08 09:28:07
2014-02-04 05:03:57
очу ла...ь эту кису
2014-02-04 02:54:35
А хде интим?
2014-01-20 08:21:16
Зэ симпатичная гёрл . )
2014-01-07 15:41:18
wow. you gorgeous. i can fuck you all day long
2014-01-03 14:25:09
super sexy sweet !!
2013-12-21 02:43:44
2013-11-10 21:31:25
you are very cute and I bet lots of fun